How to Cut a Yellow Mango: A Step-by-Step Guide to Enjoying this Tropical Delight

Yellow mangoes are delicious tropical fruits known for their sweet, juicy flesh and vibrant flavor. If you've ever wondered how to cut a yellow mango properly to enjoy it to the fullest, you're in the right place. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to cut a yellow mango, ensuring you can savor this delightful fruit with ease and precision.




how to cut a yellow mango

Cut a yellow mango



I. Selecting a Ripe Yellow Mango:


A. Appearance and Smell:


1. Look for a yellow mango that is plump and free from blemishes or wrinkles.


2. It should give off a sweet and fragrant aroma at the stem end.


B. Texture:


1. Gently press the mango to check for a slight give, indicating ripeness.


2. Avoid mangoes that feel too firm or overly soft.


II. Tools You'll Need:


A. Cutting Board:


Choose a stable cutting board to provide a firm surface for cutting.


B. Chef's Knife:


Use a sharp chef's knife with a sturdy blade for clean and precise cuts.


III. Step-by-Step Guide to Cutting a Yellow Mango:


A. Wash the Mango:


Rinse the mango under cool water to remove any dirt or residue.


B. Slice off the Top:


1. Hold the mango upright and slice off a thin portion from the stem end, about half an inch deep.


2. This will create a stable base for the mango.


C. Cut the Cheeks:


1. Hold the mango with one hand and make a vertical cut down one side, following the curve of the seed.


2. Repeat on the other side to create two mango "cheeks" or halves.


3. The seed will be in the center portion of the mango.


D. Score the Flesh:


1. Hold one mango cheek in your hand with the skin facing down.


2. Make lengthwise and crosswise cuts into the flesh, being careful not to cut through the skin.


3. Repeat with the other mango cheek.


E. Push Out the Cubes:


1. Turn the scored mango cheek inside out gently, pushing the cubes upward.


2. Use a knife or spoon to separate the cubes from the skin.


3. Repeat with the other mango cheek.


IV. Serving and Enjoying the Yellow Mango:


A. Fresh Mango Cubes:


1. Serve the mango cubes as they are for a refreshing snack or dessert.


2. Enjoy the sweet and juicy flesh straight from the mango.


B. Mango Slices:


1. Hold a mango cheek and use a sharp knife to make thin vertical slices without cutting through the skin.


2. Gently fan out the slices to create an attractive presentation.


3. Repeat with the other mango cheek.


C. Mango Puree:


1. Place the mango cubes in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.


2. Use the puree as a base for smoothies, sauces, or desserts.


V. Tips for Cutting Yellow Mangoes:


A. Handling the Seed:


To extract the flesh clinging to the seed, carefully cut around the seed's edges and scrape off any remaining flesh.


B. Ripening Mangoes:


1. If your mango is not ripe, you can place it in a paper bag at room temperature to speed up the ripening process.


2. Check daily until the mango reaches your desired ripeness.




how to cut a yellow mango

4 types cut mango



Now that you know how to cut a yellow mango, you can confidently enjoy this tropical fruit in all its glory. Follow the step-by-step guide outlined above to slice and dice your yellow mangoes with precision. Whether you prefer fresh mango cubes, elegant mango slices, or smooth mango puree, this versatile fruit is sure to delight your taste buds and add a touch of tropical bliss to your meals and snacks.